Hazy Shade of Summer
It's funny how getting things done can bum me out.
I've been pretty productive (in an essentially non-creative way) this past week, getting some mundane tasks out of the way. I've found myself a bit in the doldrums. Not sleeping well, unfocused in thought (those same 3 or 4 songs keep repeating in my head...), given to staring at the sky in the grips of faint existential day-dreaming...
Last night I slept for about 1.5 hours, and now I'm at work typing this...slowly...
I knew this morning that I would be hard-pressed to function at 100% today after returning to the house 3 times to retrieve items I needed. I feel like I'm not making strong eye contact with people today as well. I shouldn't be out today. It's like waking the kids up at midnight to go shopping.
Of course, I know the source of all this. I have all these stories and half-completed scripts bouncing around, trying to get out. Gotta uncork soon.
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