Saturday, May 08, 2010

Top 10 Disappointing movies

Ahh, lists...

Here's a list written by a guy I completely aggee with:

And here's what I said about it (in case you're's clear that I am, and it IS my blog, so...):

Right on, man. Great list!
In an era which has give us some truly great films (science fiction or otherwise), it’s good to know others feel the same disappointment at monstrously hyped movies. Lets keep the bar set high.
I agree with you on every point…loved the 2nd MATRIX, SIGNS is a fantastic and underappreciated thriller, and I refuse to believe ANYONE cherishes THE PHANTOM MENACE the way we cherish truly original and inspired works like EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, BLADE RUNNER, et al. WATCHMEN looked great, but…and lets be honest…it’s not a story that needs to be a movie. Ever. Like a lovingly constructed Christmas window display at Macy’s…easy to look at, but when you’re staring at it alone at 3am, it’s just creepy…
Thanks for sharing your (very accurate) observations!

Friday, May 07, 2010


Funny how birthdays start out with the most compressed of intentions after 30. Today I woke up thinking I'd glide thru inauspiciously, but technology had other plans (thanks, Facebook). It's nice to know that lots of different people are thinking about you at the same time, and I felt that throughout the day.
After finding out that I was,kt going to be working all day, I stole away and truly began the observation. Took the dogs for a walk, had some nice conversations with people I'll know for the rest of my life, and hung out with my brother and my wife at my favorite bar in my hometown. Now, as I lay with my dogs and wife as she takes pictures of us, I realize that I have little to complain about.
So I won't.

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